01 December, 2011


DPU (delayed pressure urticaria).   Any time I apply the minimum pressure to any part of my body, a hive or swelling occurs.  Hives appear on my feet when I wear heels ,dance ,or on my thighs/butt when I ride a bike.   Exercising can also be a problem when dealing with DPU.  Lifting weights and push-ups are out of the question.  They are guaranteed hive developers. Sometimes I become a hostage in my own home because I am afraid I will cause hives by pressure from an activity or my appearance may be less attractive due to a big fat lip or swollen eyes.  This is extreme  isolation.

Although it’s hard not to complain about my hives and swelling; I am trying my best to be grateful and to consider it a blessing. Blessings are not always advantageous but they also come in forms that are unfavorable. All in all we must take the good with the bad and be grateful for both. I can’t allow this one thing to determine my happiness and outlook on life. Sometimes we have to take things in our life that appear negative and transpose them to be beneficial. So my goal is to not use my hives as a crunch or plague but something that I thank GOD for along with my many countless blessings.

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